Are you having a tough time deciding which web hosting service to go with? So many offer similar promotions and deals it may cause you to look for the outliers. Well good news: GoDaddy has just confirmed that they will now support Apple Pay as a payment method for anyone hosting with them. In a constantly growing mobile world this is a huge advantage for any website.
According to Credit Suisse, there are an estimated 588 million Apple users worldwide. Apple CEO Tim Cook claims there are more than one billion Apple products (computers, tablets, iPhones, iPads, and smartwatches) in use worldwide.
Adding Apple Pay to your website will ensure accessibility and ease to your website to a good portion of your customers.
How Many Customers Use Mobile Payments?
Some statistics collected and delivered in a report by the Federal Reserve System, called “Consumers and Mobile Financial Services”, provided some insight into the trends with mobile payments. In 2014, only 25 percent of mobile users made a payment with their phone. In 2015, that number jumped up to almost 40 percent of all mobile users making a purchase. As this statistic continually increases, it would be ill-advised to not offer some sort of mobile payment option on your site or mobile application
By the end of 2017, the mobile market is expected to breach 60 million in sales. By the year 2020, nearly 90 percent of the mobile phone population will be using some sort of mobile payment every day.
Benefits of Having Mobile Pay Active on Your Website
- Managing encryption keys is much easier with device to device transactions.
- Integrating with industry leading payment firms is a breeze.
- Flexible payments helps shape future business options for your website.
Hearing all of these positive attributes to mobile payments is great, but it is also important to understand the risks that are involved as well.
Mobile Pay Risks
- If your website gains popularity fast and the transactions rise through the roof, you may suffer a performance hit as mobile payments consume hosting data. Exceeding your hosting limit may cause you additional fees or slower speeds.
- Knowing how sensitive information is stored and transmitted through the apple pay is important to your websites legal success. You could have a security/compliance nightmare if you cannot show this information to external firms.
- From a security perspective, there will always be a risk of hackers having the ability to capture payment data during transactions. Keeping up to date on current vulnerabilities and patches for these threats is vital to your websites namesake.
With the current trends in mobile user payments, it would be a huge advantage for any company to choosing a hosting provider such as GoDaddy that has some sort of mobile pay option enabled. Apple Pay was one of the founders in the industry and holds nearly half of the US market. Tapping into this threshold could give your website/service that boost and exposure you need to gain the market advantage over competitors.