All businesses, large and small, need operating systems that will keep and organize information and databases into something manageable. Data can be lost or stolen without one. In 2017, there were more than 178 million records exposed with 1,579 data leaks. In the first half of 2018, there have been 668 data breaches with 22 million records exposed. Identity theft is the most common form of data breach incident. The largest data breach ever was discovered in 2016 when hackers stole user information associated with approximately one billion Yahoo accounts. While statistics go back to 2005 about data breaches, 2017 was the worst year with the most data breaches.
You must protect your customer’s data. Fortunately, data management has gotten better for businesses and customers.
What is Proxmox VE?
Proxmox VE is a subscription-based, open source, Linux-based operating system that combines two different virtualization technologies: KVM and LXC. Promox VE is advertised as computation, storage and network efficiency: an all-in-one deal. It uses a bridged networking model, and each host can have just over 4,000 bridges. It also supports about eight storage types: network and local, including Ceph RBD and ZFS, with lots of storage customization. Scheduled restorations and full backups are an integral part of Proxmox ensuring minimal data loss. A built-in firewall protects all of your data. Business options range from $88-$934 (though they are listed on the site in euros). Every option comes with a CPU socket. Which option you’ll need will depend on the size of your business (the bigger your business, the more it will cost).
What is OpenStack?
OpenStack, on the other hand, is an open source and cloud-based operating system for creating private and public clouds. OpenStack is used to store large amounts of data online. You can choose whether to use OpenStack via the AI or the dashboard, which enhances user comfort. There are a lot of things that OpenStack can automate, and the community keeps the further development of the system alive. OpenStack is simpler than Promox VE, although less professional, but the lively community ensures that there will always be new resources for new project developers and users. Depending on where you’ll be deploying OpenStack (in-house or with a hosting company)there are four different options available. You can even choose a hybrid approach and combine a public and private option. There’s training available on their website because owning a cloud isn’t always easy. That’s why some options have the ability to have your cloud fully managed for you.
The pricing options for OpenStack are a bit more complicated than those of Proxmox VE due to having to explore providers. OpenStack prices are generally less expensive than, averaging eight cents per virtual machine-hour rather than the 10 cent average of other systems, an average savings of 20 percent. The options to pay for cloud designers or employee training can make your job a lot easier.
OpenStack seems to be a lot more affordable and automated than Proxmox VE, but Proxmox VE is of higher quality.
Eomnia Uses Proxmox VE
Eomnia is a zero-emissions antarctic research station that successfully uses Proxmox VE to organize and protect their data. These scientists clearly have the skills to use this system and manually manage it. They use the heat from the servers to heat the rooms of the research station, using the cold Antarctic environment as a cooling system. There is a satellite antenna that’s used to send information back and forth to the laboratories. The station is actually managed from afar via that antenna because there aren’t always people at the station. Proxmox VE prioritizes energy consumption within the grid as well. The station is powered entirely by wind and solar power. Energy efficiency is therefore vital, as is data backup and recovery. Proxmox VE was used to modernize this old station, and it seems to have worked well.
AT&T Uses OpenStack
AT&T, the phone company, uses OpenStack. In the past couple of years they have undertaken the AT&T Integral Cloud (AIC) Project and considered OpenStack as a crucial component to create their own private cloud. The benefits of the AIC project were reported in 2016: lower cost, enhanced security, better flexibility, and innovation with the option to present new products and services. AT&T became an active part of the ever-developing OpenStack community and uses that connection to troubleshoot and prevent any issues that come up. AT&T reported that they collaborate with companies of similar interest in order to better manage themselves. In return, perhaps also help that company and community as a whole. Since these reports, in which OpenStack was first being implemented, not much has been said about the success of OpenStack’s use by AT&T. However, since they are still using it, we can gather that it’s going well.
OpenStack is more expensive but worth the cost if you don’t have the skills to manually manage it. Proxmox VE is more affordable and perfect for skilled software engineers who need a flexible operating system.
Which one do you use?